The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan and the Chief Justice of India met in Almaty

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan Aslambek Mergaliyev and the Chief Justice of India Dr. Dhananjaya Chandrachud discussed aspects of further cooperation during the meeting in Almaty.

The meeting was attended by Nail Akhmetzakirov, Head of the Court Administration, Vice President of the International Association for Court Administration for the Central Asia and India, and Askar Smaylov, Chairman of the Almaty City Court, Judge of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

The guest was informed about the ongoing work of improving the quality of justice. The conversation was about the effectiveness of the administration, which established new rules for the consideration of disputes between citizens and government agencies, strengthening the role of appeal, strengthening the independence of the court.

In more detail, A.Mergaliyev focused on the creation of inter-district courts, the expansion of the jurisdiction of family courts and jury courts, and how the dynamic development of digitalization has facilitated access to justice.

Hon’ble Dr. Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, in turn, expressed interest in integrating Kazakhstan's judicial management experience, including studying it within the framework of the upcoming meeting of the chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation(SCO) member states in Tashkent.

After visiting the Almaty City Court and getting acquainted with the work of IT services in them, the Chief Justice of India noted that he was impressed by the level of IT development in the courts and wished the judiciary to achieve key indicators of the rule of law.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their mutual opinion on the need to develop cooperation.


Innovations and experience: Kazakhstan at the XIX Meeting of the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

The XIX meeting of the chairmen of the Supreme Courts of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Tashkent.

The event was hosted by the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by the Heads of the Supreme Courts of India, Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Kazakhstan was represented by the Chairman of the Supreme Court Aslambek Mergaliyev, Head of the Court Administration, Vice-President of IACA Nail Akhmetzakirov and Chairman of the Akmola Regional Court Arman Zhukenov.

In his welcoming speech, A.Mergaliyev highlighted the importance of the event for the exchange of best practices and strengthening international cooperation. Separately, the Chairman of the Supreme Court focused on the reforms carried out in Kazakhstan, at the initiative of the Head of State.

N.Akhmetzakirov and A.Zhukenov made reports , highlighting Kazakhstan's achievements in the judicial system. They described how the introduction of legislative incentives for conciliation procedures has reduced the number of lawsuits, and the development of IT technologies has freed up significant human resources, minimized judicial errors and corruption risks.

Kazakhstan's innovations were highly appreciated, prompting a lively discussion among the participants. Special attention is paid to the effectiveness of justice in Kazakhstan: in two years, the percentage of disputes won by citizens against the state has increased from 15% to 60%.

The participants of the meeting noted that such meetings contribute to the exchange of experience and improvement of judicial practice.

Within the framework of the forum, A.Mergaliyev held bilateral meetings with the Chairmen of the Supreme Courts of China, Russia and Uzbekistan.

At the end of the event, the Leaders of the delegations exchanged views and took part in the ceremony of adopting a Joint Statement. The next meeting will be held in China.

The delegation of Kazakhstan visited his mausoleum within the framework of the 380th anniversary of the Great Kazakh statesman Ayteke bi, which became an important cultural event of the program.

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