Call for Presentations ProposalsIACA 11-14 November 2024 Conference at Singapore Download the Call for Presentation Proposals PDF The International Association for Court Administration (IACA) will host its 2024 International Conference in Singapore, on 11-14 November 2024. IACA seeks proposals for sessions that align with the overarching conference theme of “Building Trust in The Judiciary” while providing attendees with informative, engaging, and interactive educational content, and practical takeaways that will benefit court professionals. The sessions supporting the conference theme will focus on the following topical areas:
We want to hear from you! We encourage you to share successes within these topical areas as well as innovative ideas, and insight into the latest challenges with our conference participants. Your session should be able to reach a diverse audience and focus on a topic that affects the court community. Suggested sessions are offered in the following section for your consideration. We also encourage other creative approaches to the primary topics. All presentations and materials will be in English. Participants are invited to make their arrangements for interpretation as necessary. 1. Disinformation and Impact on Trust in the Judiciary"Perception is Reality"
Truth Decay and Judiciaries' Communications Strategy
Building Judicial Trust through Access to Justice
2. Access to Justice (A2J) and Impact on Trust in the JudiciaryA2J from Court Users' point of view
Accessibility and Affordability from User Perspectives
New models of dispute resolution
Technology: Enabler of A2J for Self-Represented Persons
3. Navigating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Justice SystemAI and Impact on the Judiciaries
AI chatbots - opportunities, risks and alternatives
Specialised Legal AI Large-Language ModelsDigital Evidence
4. A2J Central to Court Leadership and the Professionalism of Court AdministratorsThe Courts as Service Providers
5. Excellent Courts in the Administration of JusticeFrameworks for Measuring Court Excellence and Performance
Implementing the International Framework for Court Excellence (IFCE) Guidelines for Access to Justice
The Conference agenda will include presentations and discussions selected by the Agenda Committee from two sources:
These will be 45-minute breakout sessions/discussions running simultaneously with others. Presenters selected by the Agenda Committee will be required to prepare PowerPoint slides to complement their oral presentations and for posting on the Conference Website. To be considered, please complete the one-page form at the end of the Call for Presentations PDF, and submit it no later than 15 April 2024 (Monday) to this email address: [email protected] Note: Selection by the Agenda Committee of a presentation proposal for the Singapore Conference waives the registration fee but does not include payment of transportation, hotel, and meal costs.