Past Online Conferences & Recordings

 September 10, 2024

Artificial Intelligence in the Courts: Opportunities and Challenges

We are pleased to invite you to an online conference organised by IACA in collaboration with the National Association for Court Management. The conference will focus on Artificial Intelligence Developments and related benefits for courts and access to justice. There will also take place a discussion about the need for policy "guardrails", ethical issues, and potential problems created by inappropriate uses of technology. Following the presentations, there will be a Q&A session with the audience. 

Conference Flyer | Presentation Slides & Biographies  | Recording

July 10, 2024

Fight against Organized Crime in Latin America, The Role of the Attorney General’s Office | Lucha contra el Crimen Organizado en América Latina El Rol del Ministerio Público Fiscal

It is a pleasure to invite you watch an online conference organized by IACA on the fight against organized crime in Latin America, with the participation of Dr. Germán Garavano, Lawyer and International Consultant, former Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic and former Attorney General of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session.

Es un gusto invitar a Uds. a una conferencia en línea organizada por IACA sobre la lucha contra el crimen organizado en América Latina, con la participación del Dr. Germán Garavano, Abogado y Consultor Internacional, ex Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la República Argentina y ex Fiscal General de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Tras la presentación, habrá una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con los participantes. 

Conference Flyer | Folleto de la Conferenci | Recording

May 14, 2024 

Online Conference | Fighting Corruption and Organized Crime in Latin America Achievements and Challenges

We are pleased to invite you watch online conference organized by IACA on the fight against organized crime and corruption in Latin America with the participation of Dr. Sergio Moro, Senator, former Minister of Justice and former Federal Judge of the Republic of Brazil, and Dr. Vladimir Passos de Freitas, former President of IACA and former Federal Judge. 

Conference Flyer | Recording | Biographies Vladimir Passos de Freitas  English | Spanish | Portuguese Senator Sergio Moro  English | Spanish | Portuguese

April 30, 2024 

Online Conference | Judicial Administration, Innovation and AI Developments and Opportunities 

Watch Recording (Russian) | Conference Flyer

We are pleased to invite you to watch a recording of an online conference organised by IACA in collaboration with the Judicial System of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Bank.

This conference focused on strategies, reforms, and initiatives related to professional judicial administration, AI and dispute resolution in courts, and the opportunities presented by generative AI and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). The speakers also discussed international cooperation developments, achievements and challenges in this field.

June 22, 2023

International Round Table | Court Administration for Independent Justice: International Standards and Best Practices

Organizers  Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and OSCE Program Office in Astana.

Languages  Kazakh, Russian, English.

Purpose  Discussion of international standards, best practices and prospects for the development of court administration to ensure the independence of the judiciary and conditions for the quality administration of justice.

Main areas of work  It is planned to hold a plenary meeting (09.30 – 10.50) and the following sessions:

  • Session No. 1. The place of court administration in the structure of public authorities and the peculiarities of its legal regulation (11.20-12.55);
  • Session No. 2. Tasks, functions and powers of court administration bodies: standards for their implementation and key KPIs (budget administration, HR, digitalization, analytics, infrastructure support, etc.). (14.00-15.30)

Conference Flyer 

June 22, 2023 

Online Conference | User-Friendly Courts

We are glad to invite you to this online conference organized by IACA with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), Millennium Partners and the East West Management Institute.
The session will encourage the discussion of the features of user-friendly courts, including people-centered space design, use of IT solutions, access to information, and how to make courts more accessible and inclusive for vulnerable groups. Speakers will also address international best practices and case studies from courts in Moldova and Serbia. Presentations will be followed by a discussion and Q&A with the audience.

Conference Flyer  

June 6, 2023 

Online Conference | Justice Digitalization and Information Security Management in War Times and Beyond

We are glad to invite you to watch the online recording on Justice Digitalization and Information Security Management in War Times and Beyond, organized by the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine and the International Association of Court Administration (IACA), with the support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice, and USAID Justice for All Activity.

The event will encouraged discussion and solution finding for court digitalization and information security issues, and the continuance of court operations in war conditions, considering the best international experiences.

Conference Materials | Agenda Conference Flyer | Recording of the event in Ukrainian | Recording of the event in English

30 de mayo de 2023 | May 30, 2023

Conferencia Virtual | Virtual Conference (in Spanish) / Teletrabajo y Audiencias Virtuales | Teleworking and Virtual Hearing / Impactos en la Calidad de la Justicia y la Gente | Impacts on the Quality of Justice and People

Tenemos el placer de invitarlos a esta conferencia virtual en la que expertos de sistemas judiciales de América Latina analizarán el uso intensivo de la tecnología para trabajar a distancia, celebrar audiencias virtuales y resolver conflictos. Se debatirá también cómo el trabajo remoto impacta en el acceso a la justicia y en la calidad de vida de los agentes y los usuarios. Las presentaciones serán seguidas de un período de 30 minutos para preguntas y respuestas.

We are pleased to invite you to this virtual conference in Spanish, where experts from Latin American judicial systems will analyze the intensive use of technology to work remotely, hold virtual hearings and resolve conflicts. The panel will also discuss how remote work impacts access to justice and the quality of life for judges, staff, and court users. Presentations will be followed by a 30-minute space for Q&A.

Conference Flyer (Spanish English)

April 25, 2023 

Webinar | Establishing the System of Support to Vulnerable Groups of Court Users and Victims of War Crimes

We are glad to invite you to the online conference on Establishing the system of support to vulnerable groups of court users and victims of war crime, organized by the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine and the International Association of Court Administration (IACA), with the support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice, USAID Justice for All Activity and All-Ukrainian Association of Court Employees. The event will encourage discussion and solution finding for pressing war-time court need of establishing a system of support for vulnerable court users, including witnesses and victims of specific types of violent crimes, considering the best international experiences. There will be present practices for establishing and rolling out the system of support for vulnerable court users in Ukraine Court volunteer service, as well as decisions on arranging premises for work with vulnerable people.

Webinar Flyer | Agenda | Recording of the event in Ukrainian | Recording of the event in English

March 14, 2023

Online Conference | Court Safety and Security Planning in Ukraine

We are glad to invite you to watch the recording of the online conference on Court Safety and Security Planning in Ukraine organized by the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine together with the International Association of Judicial Administration with the support of the EU Project "Pravo-Justice" and USAID Justice for All Activity.

The event encouraged discussion on the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the court buildings, premises, and logistics of Ukraine. During the conference the emergency, mobilization and court evacuation measures regularly taken was addressed, including those devoted to ensuring information, cyber security, and e-services.

 Agenda Conference Flyer Recording of the event in Ukrainian | Recording of the event in English

February 7, 2023 

Online Conference | Court Operation in Conditions of the War

We are glad to invite you to watch the recording of the online conference on Court Operation in Conditions of the War, organized by the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine and the International Association of Court Administration (IACA), with the support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice and USAID Justice for All Activity.

The event encouraged discussion and solution finding for pressing war-time court administration issues, considering the best international experiences. A plan was presented during the conference to improve judicial administration of war crimes cases and the book "Courts in Conditions of War". You will also learn about the “Model Court Initiative – Platform for Good Practices”, and “Strategies for optimizing court budgets during wartime”.

Agenda | Conference Flyer | Recording of the event in Ukrainian | Recording of the event in English